I have had a number of guests visit here in Benalla. Selena and Angie from Edmonton are here for a few months. A couple weeks ago Paul Fish was here from SOSA flying the LS-4 for a week. Doug Bremner was passing through with his daughter last week and Timo the fellow I rented a glider from in Finland is currently flying an ASG-29 here. Yannick Burgevin from Association de vol à voile Champlain contacted me the other day saying he would be in Melbourne and would very much like to do some flying. He came up on Sunday and since the Duo Discus and ASK-21 were taken we had a flight in the IS-28 (Lark). Unfortunately it was not a classic Australian day but we both enjoyed it none the less. Yannick has a blog and an entry about the flight here Vol #125: Benalla. For those like me that have trouble with french you can translate it with Google translate.
OLC flight info
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